


Decorator function, meant to decorate invocation handler, but can be used to decorate any method within your lambda function.

from lambda_cache import ssm

@ssm.cache(parameter='/prod/app/var', max_age_in_seconds=60, entry_name='simple_name')
def handler(event, context):
    var = getattr(context,'simple_name')
    response = do_something(var)
    return response
    • parameter (str or list) -- [REQUIRED]
      • Name of Parameter(s) is SSM Parameter Store. To cache more than one parameter, pass it a list of parameters. e.g. ['/dev/app/var1', 'dev/app/var2']
    • max_age_in_seconds (int): --
      • Maximum age of a cache entry before a refresh (default: 60)
    • entry_name (str): --
      • Name of entry in context object. Required if parameter is of type list (default: paremeter.split('/'))


Get's the value of the ssm parameter from cache (forces a refresh from parameter store if the cache object is older than max_age_in_seconds)

from lambda_cache import ssm

def handler(event, context):
    var = ssm.get_entry(parameter='/production/app/var',
    response = do_something(var)
    return response
    • parameter (str or list) -- [REQUIRED]
      • Name of Parameter(s) is SSM Parameter Store. To cache more than one parameter, pass it a list of parameters. e.g. ['/dev/app/var1', 'dev/app/var2']
    • max_age_in_seconds (int): --
      • Maximum age of a cache entry before a refresh (default: 60)
    • entry_name (str): --
      • Name of entry in context object. Required if parameter is of type list (default: paremeter.split('/'))

Secrets Manager


Decorator function, meant to decorate invocation handler, but can be used to decorate any method within your lambda function.

@secrets_manager.cache(name='/prod/db/connection_string', max_age_in_seconds=10, entry_name='new_secret')
def call_with_entry_name(event, context):
    secret = getattr(context, 'new_secret')
    response do_something(secret)
    return response
    • name (str) -- [REQUIRED]
      • Name of secret in secrets manager
    • max_age_in_seconds (int): --
      • Maximum age of a cache entry before a refresh (default: 60)
    • entry_name (str): --
      • Name of entry in cache. Required if (default: name.split('/'))


Get's the value of the secret from cache (forces a refresh from secrets_manager if cache entry is older than max_age_in_seconds)

@secrets_manager.cache(name='/prod/db/connection_string', max_age_in_seconds=300, entry_name='secret')
def call_with_entry_name(event, context):

        secret = getattr(context, 'secret')
        response = do_something(secret)
    except AuthenticationError:
        new_secret = secrets_manager.get_entry(name='/prod/db/connection_string',
                                               max_age_in_seconds=0,  # forces a reset of secret
        response = do_something(secret)

    return response
    • name (str) -- [REQUIRED]
      • Name of secret in secrets manager
    • max_age_in_seconds (int): --
      • Maximum age of a cache entry before a refresh (default: 60)
    • entry_name (str): --
      • Name of entry in cache. Required if (default: name.split('/'))



Decorator function, meant to decorate invocation handler, but can be used to decorate any method within your lambda function.

from lambda_cache import s3

@s3.cache(s3Uri='s3://bucket_name/path/to/object.json', max_age_in_seconds=300)
def s3_download_entry_name(event, context):
    with open("/tmp/object.json") as file_data:
        status = json.loads(['status']

    return status
    • s3Uri (str) -- [REQUIRED]
      • s3Uri of object to download in the form s3://bucket-name/path/to/object
    • max_age_in_seconds (int): --
      • Maximum age of a cache entry before a refresh (default: 60)
    • entry_name (str): --
      • Name of entry in context object. (default: s3Uri.split('/'))
    • check_before_download (bool): --
      • Check object age before downloading (useful for large objects). Setting this to True will cause package to check if the object has been updated since the last cache refresh, and only download the object if the object has changed.(default: False)


Get's the value of the secret from cache (forces a refresh from secrets_manager if cache entry is older than max_age_in_seconds)

def test_get_entry():
    file_location = s3.get_entry(s3Uri=f"s3://{bucket_name}/{s3_key}", max_age_in_seconds=5, entry_name=False, check_before_download=True)
    with open(file_location, 'r') as file_data:
        status = json.loads(['status']
    • s3Uri (str) -- [REQUIRED]
      • s3Uri of object to download in the form s3://bucket-name/path/to/object
    • max_age_in_seconds (int): --
      • Maximum age of a cache entry before a refresh (default: 60)
    • entry_name (str): --
      • Name of entry cache. (default: s3Uri.split('/'))
    • check_before_download (bool): --
      • Check object age before downloading (useful for large objects). Setting this to True will cause package to check if the object has been updated since the last cache refresh, and only download the object if the object has changed.(default: False)